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03 June 2023

Complete Childcare announces sponsorship of Finchampstead Balance Bike Club

Complete Childcare announces sponsorship of Finchampstead Balance Bike Club

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Wokingham Borough Council to sponsor the Finchampstead Balance Bike Club which is run by My Journey Wokingham

This is a club for children aged two to four-years-old where they can practise and have fun balancing and gliding on two wheels.  The sessions, which are free but must be booked in advance, are held every Wednesday between 2.15pm and 3pm, at the FBC Centre in Finchampstead.  

Cllr Imogen Shepherd-Dubey, executive member for finance, said “I am pleased we are working in partnership with Complete Childcare. This is a great session for children to learn to balance on a bike first and then learn to glide with their feet up.  Once they have mastered these skills they can make an easier transition to riding a bike with pedals”

Alec Hodson, managing director of Complete Childcare, said: “We are delighted to offer our support to such a fantastic initiative under the ‘My Journey’ umbrella. The Balance Bike Club in Finchampstead offers a great chance for young children to continue improving their gross motor skills and build their confidence during their very important early years of childhood.”

You can find out more information on the Finchampstead Balance Bike Club at the My Journey Website

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