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05 October 2022

Your first job in childcare: 3 top tips for success

Your first job in childcare: 3 top tips for success

An industry growing at a rapid pace, there are many career routes in childcare, and ample opportunity to train to a higher level.

If you’ve finished GCSEs or A Levels and are looking for your first step on the career ladder, a role in childcare means you can gain qualifications as you work. With over 60% of 18-year-olds deciding against going to university last year1, choosing a career with opportunities to train while you’re working ensures career progression. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to choosing your career and discovering what opportunities are available, our 3 top tips will put you on the right track.

Top Tip 1: Volunteer

When you think of a career, financial gain inevitably forms part of the equation. However, successful careers rely on many factors, and successful candidates rely on experience. So how do you gain experience and learn new skills in childcare? Volunteering in a local pre-school, nursery or babysitting for children is the perfect opportunity. Spending time in a childcare setting gives you valuable, first-hand experience of childcare roles.

Work experience shows commitment and looks great on your CV. Having experience of a range of childcare settings gives you invaluable insight. At Complete Childcare, we always make time to talk to anyone who is looking into a career in childcare and are committed to helping people gain work experience across our nurseries and pre-schools.

Poppy Burford, a Nursery Assistant at Smart Tots, our Day Nursery and Pre-School in Banbury, carried out work experience before her employment with us, “After studying Youth Work, I knew I wanted to work with young people, but I wasn’t sure what age group or setting. My secondary school, North Oxon Academy in Banbury, opened NOA’s Ark Nursery and I decided to arrange some work experience there. I learnt so much, it gave me the direction I needed to pursue my career in childcare. I applied for my role at Smart Tots with confidence that the nursery setting was going to be right for me.”

Top Tip 2: Understand what childcare roles involve

Working in childcare requires responsibility, perseverance and compassion. Finding out more about what childcare roles involve day-to-day means you can decide whether it is the right fit for you. Speaking to a childcare worker gives you an opportunity to discover what parts of their role they enjoy the most and what their biggest challenges are. It also equips you with knowledge of what would be expected of you, which is vital preparation for an interview. If you don’t know anyone who currently works in childcare, browsing job descriptions for childcare roles familiarises you with the tasks and responsibilities of the job.

We asked Ross Peacock-Smith, a Nursery Assistant at Bramley Wood Day Nursery & Pre-School in Bracknell, about his role, “I love being able to tell other people about my job. There can be misconceptions about the childcare industry and, as a male working in a female-dominated environment, I want people to know how comfortable and appreciated I feel at work. I believe nursery workers play one of the most important roles in society today, preparing children for the future. Speaking to someone who works in childcare helps you see what the role is really about, removing any biases.”

Top Tip 3: Hone Your Skillset

A challenging sector to work in, childcare demands a multitude of skills from its workers. As a role model for young children, being motivated and considerate is paramount. Working with children is rewarding and fulfilling, if you choose it for the right reasons. Being passionate about working with children and understanding the reality of what it involves is crucial. A career that offers potential to train, having good foundational education (GCSEs or equivalent essential, A Levels advantageous) allows you to start a Childcare NVQ course.

At Complete Childcare, we support our employees in gaining their NVQ Childcare qualifications. Isabelle Hunt, a Nursery Assistant at Bramley Wood, our Day Nursery & Pre-School in Bracknell, is currently working on her NVQ Level 2 in Childcare. She told us, “I complete my training both online and in-person. Being able to complete some of my coursework during my work hours makes the workload manageable. My manager is so supportive, offering support and guidance, and taking time to help me when I need it. Working as I train; I can always put into practice the things I learn.”

We love to hear from anyone who is considering a career in childcare and, with 15 nurseries and pre-schools in our group, we have availability for work experience placements. To talk to us about starting a career in childcare, email

We look forward to hearing from you!


1 UCAS 2021



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